Winston Churchill said, "Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about." This quote reminds me of many times we wanted to stop, of many times we said it is enough, on many times it looked like there is no tomorrow. For me fashion is not simply a business but the most honest passion and desire to create something
Although the current situation did change the way we live and work it did not change the way we create. It is with the same passion and dedication that we started this collection in February. The pandemic provided some uncertainty but we knew we can't stop. The inspiration behind this collection the beauty of growth and adaptation. It is about overcoming challenges in pursue
Dear Friends, We want to thank you for your generosity in supporting our good cause and taking part in open action we had in collaboration with OPEN CONCEPT store. Our donation, a lovely silk lavender dress embellished with crystals and fathers, has reached a value of RSD 35.250. The full amount will be directed to support activities of NURDOR organization. It is our responsibility
Global pandemic has changed the way we live, work and think pushing us to adapt quickly. This is a test we were not ready for and it showed us how unexpected live can be. We have a responsibility as humans, parents, children and friends to make sure we don't support the growth of the visit. This means staying home and staying safe. Our